Sunday, August 09, 2009

Popcorn Sale Season starts

Cub Scout popcorn sale season has begun.  Actually A could have started selling last weekend, right after I went to the Popcorn Kernel kickoff meeting, but it didn't seem quite fair when none of the other Scouts in his pack had their materials.  But then on Tuesday I went to a leaders meeting and handed out a few packets, so at least 5 or 6 Cub Scouts had their packets and I assume all the Boy Scouts got their packets, so I figured why not.  Plus D and I both had to be at church early this morning to man our booths for the ministry fair (listing all the various opportunities to be involved at the church) - so selling popcorn would keep A busy and not bugging us.

A sold almost $200 of popcorn before and after church, even with 2 other Scouts also selling popcorn there this morning.  So, quite a good start.  He's even got one more person who said to talk to them next week.

Then after dinner tonight A and I went out again.  Mixed success - no one said no, but he only sold to 2 people even though we knocked on about 10 doors.  1 person asked him to come back tomorrow and 1 person was only housesitting, but the other 6 houses either weren't home or weren't answering the door (and we saw a person in at least one house and lights or TV in several others).  We won't necessarily cross those houses off the list just yet, but it was a bit discouraging.  Still - over $200 is a great start.  A's initial goal is $600, so he's a third of the way there.



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