Sunday, March 23, 2008

egg dying

Egg dying seemed so much easier this year since I didn't have to make up the dye. My mom had brought back the dye she and A used at the assisted living center. So all I had to do was lay out newspapers and open the lids on the yogurt containers. Easy as pie!

M and A dying eggs:

D dyes one egg:

M's trogdor egg:

M drew the design with pencil, then tried to trace it with a wax crayon, but I think he didn't get enough wax on there. The pencil shows up nicely though.

We ended up with 15 hard-boiled eggs dyed. After the bunny hid them outside this morning and the kids found them, we each had one for breakfast. That and Uncle D's saffron bread made a quite yummy breakfast. This time I even used some saffron in the bread, but I can't tell that it made much difference.

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