Friday, June 05, 2009

Pleasant Day

Today was a pleasant respite from the unusually hot days we had at the beginning of the week - highs in the 90s is just not normal for early June.  Today though was a very pleasant near 80 - the day started off cool and cloudy, but the rain never materialized.  I took the kids and one of A's friends to the pool from about 4-6, then we came home to have hamburgers and fruit salad out on the deck.  The fruit salad was delicious and used up the last bits of both cantaloupe and strawberries, plus some apple, banana, peach, and pineapple.  I love all the summer fruit and it will only get better - the peaches are clearly still the early peaches.  The blueberries in the yard are looking plump and plentiful, but still very green, but it won't be too much longer.

I wish this weather would continue, but I'm afraid the weatherman doesn't have good news for me... by Sunday we're supposed to be back up into the upper 80s again.  Sigh.  At least we got a few cooler days - and over 2 inches of rain yesterday.  I know the garden is happier.



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