Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Official Birthday

vs Birthday observed. Monday was my birthday, but things have been so crazy around here that I have declared next Thursday to be my "Birthday Observed". Hey, if we can do it for federal holidays why not for birthdays? This way, we're all on Spring Break and I'll have M's party over and done with, and maybe the taxes done too.... I can hope.
Anyway, D and I did go out to dinner on Monday - we weren't planning to, but Sunday's paper had a ad from Up the Creek restaurant, saying free dinner on your birthday. Yumm. We've been there a couple of times for our anniversary. My mom graciously kept the kids so we could go to dinner, then to D's school where all 3 high school choruses combined to put on a vocal performance of Carmina Barana. It was very nice. The next morning was heavenly - I got to sleep in, since the kids had stayed over at my mom's. Very nice!
And I can still look forward to my birthday observed next week, when we'll have a homemade (not by me) birthday dinner. We're finally going to use the coupon for the free ice cream cake we won almost 2 years ago for my birthday cake. I hear the kids have been shopping for my birthday present too.


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