Monday, August 07, 2006

Rice picnic

We had our annual Rice picnic - alumni get together, greet the new students, see your friends for current students yesterday afternoon. We were very lucky that the weather was a bit more tolerable than last week.

They provide the BBQ, drinks and paper/plastic ware. There's one price for kids under 12 and vegetarians and another for teens/adults. We decided that unless M's tastes change, when he becomes a teen he will count as a vegetarian. He is NOT interested in BBQ. I took him a sandwich so he would have something other than desserts to eat. Luckily there was also some fresh fruit which he enjoys - apples, strawberries, grapes.

They had a drawing for door prizes. There weren't enough tickets to go around, so after someone won, they would give their ticket to another person. Interesting. There were a bunch of door prizes. When M won, he picked an owl, modeled here by A:

We each ended up winning once, the rest of us picking Rice ballcaps. They still had youth caps left at the end, so M got one also.

Pretty nifty!


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