Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Strawberry Time!

Yay, it's strawberry time again. We went this afternoon before picking M up from school. The berries are so beautiful and luscious. And A has become an expert picker! Last year, I think I filled my bucket while his was 1/3 to 1/2 full. This year - different story! He showed me his bucket and it was as much or more than mine! Blew me away!

In 15 minutes, A, my mom, and I managed to fill 2 buckets of strawberries. We could have picked more quite easily, but a gallon of strawberries is a lot to go through. I'd rather have these now and go pick another bucket next week.

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Blogger Carol P. said...

Mmmmmmm! Sounds yummy!

We're still a few weeks away from strawberry time out here. It's been much cooler this winter/spring than last. The weather guy had a graphic on Thursday night's news that had only 15 days at 60 or above so far in 2008, compared to 27-39 days over 60 degrees at 60 or above by this time in the past 5 years. Oh well, we'll have strawberries when they're ready...

Let's just say there probably isn't going to be much camping in the Cascades for Memorial Day this year. And I was noticing snow on the coast range when driving to the Middle School yesterday -- usually it's long gone by this time since the peaks there are maybe 3300 feet at the most...

2:02 PM  

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