Monday, April 17, 2006

Happy Easter

Well, so its the day after Easter, but I've got a bunch of pictures from Easter, so here you go.
First up in the morning, we had baskets.

There was lots of ooohing and aaahing over the contents. Look, a book. Some gummies. A gold dollar. etc.

My mom was surprised to discover that the Easter bunny had left her a basket - and at our house. She was quite pleased to find black jellybeans and coffee candies (they called them coffee lentils, but I think they looked more like coffee M&Ms).

Then it was time for the hunt. After all, we had to find those hard boiled eggs so that we could admire and eat them for breakfast.

After breakfast there was even a little bit of time for reading the paper - something that hasn't occured in recent Easters due to mad craziness. But then it was time to get dressed. A said "OK" and went off to get dressed with just a little help (he still gets the buttons mis-matched as often as not). M, on the other hand, had a bit of a snit - "why do I have to wear a jacket AND a tie??"
We had a discussion about how it is important to know how to dress nicely and appropriately. We don't ask them to dress up very often, but Easter is one of those 3 or 4 times a year. I want them to know how to look dressed up, so that when they need to for a job interview or to make a good impression, they will know things like - yes, it matters what color socks you wear (no white athletic socks with dress pants and dress shoes!)

Here's A with his flowers for flowering the cross.

I wish I had gotten a picture of the kids with the flowered cross. It was really quite pretty - mostly azaleas this year, as that is about all that is blooming in yards right now, but there were a few other flowers. After the service, the cross was outside, waiting to be de-flowered, so I helped out by removing some flowers. They look very nice in a vase on my table.

After the service, it was time for the traditional family photo with the Easter lilies.

It seems like it should get easier to get a family photo as the kids get older, but it doesn't seem to - at least not now. M is at an unfortunate phase where he wants to stick his tongue out all the time for photos. And both kids seem to have a forced grin rather than the natural smile they used to have (that seemed to change around 6 for mine). Anyway, at least this one had no tongues and no scowls.


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