Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Back to Scouting

Tonight was A's first night back at Cub Scouts for this year.  Although they only just started den meetings, we got his popcorn packet almost 2 weeks ago so he could start selling.  We got the popcorn kernel (yes, they really do call the person who coordinates popcorn that) to send the packet in to school, so that he wouldn't be totally out-gunned by the other Scouts in our neighborhood and church.  It's a good thing too as one of the Scouts at church was getting sales fast and furious the last 2 weeks.

A has managed to sell about $400 worth of popcorn already.  Way to go A!  We know that he needs to get to $500 to get his dues paid and there has been some talk that if he sells some larger amount (undetermined at the moment) that maybe his fees will be paid for the trip to Huntsville space camp in January.  It's driving me a bit batty at the moment that they don't have that number - or haven't told the Scouts anything about when the popcorn would come in - or even told us about the Webelos-ree campout which is coming up in 2 1/2 weeks.  They say that they will tell all at the pack meeting in 2 weeks - one day before the campout!  That seems a bit late!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

My boys are scouts too, one Cub and one Boy Scout. Needless to say, we have plenty of popcorn here,lol. But the boys love it.

11:26 AM  

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