Monday, July 06, 2009

Harvest continues

Our harvest from the garden is continuing nicely, although we have learned some things we want to do differently next year - like plant more beans.  The first planting of beans was 3 rows and that was ok - it meant we could have beans almost twice a week and so could my mom.  But this second planting was only 2 rows - it takes multiple days to get enough beans for a meal.  So far off this planting, we have only had one or two meals with beans (and even then one night the adults had beans and the kids had frozen peas).  The next planting of beans should be better - I think there are 5 rows, so hopefully we'll be eating beans at least twice a week, maybe 3 times one week.

Last night we had quite a bit of our own produce for dinner.  We had chicken fajitas with:
the last of our onions
the first of our green peppers
the first of our full size (not cherry) tomatoes
a bit of our chard

I know at some point we will probably be swimming in tomatoes, but for now the tomatoes are just barely keeping up with our desire to eat them.  And the green peppers aren't keeping up - I'm flat out of any peppers and ours are coming in rather slowly.  The hot peppers are doing better so far.  



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